ICT Sec​tor​​

The Ministry of Information Technology, Communication and Innovation believes that Information and Communication Technologies coupled with Innovation are major enablers towards the transformation of our country into a high-income, inclusive and green economy well before 2030.​

Today, the ICT Sector has become the 3rd pillar of the Mauritian economy and represents: 

::  Open Source Policy
::  Open Data Policy
::  Digital Go​vernment Transformation Strategy
::  Digital Mauritius Strategy
::  Artificial Intelligence Strategy

The Ministry has also come forward with a comprehensive Data Protection Act which is compatible with the principles of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

These strategies are coupled with a combination of measures to, inter alia:

::  provide a state-of-the-art Internet infrastructure
::  lower the cost of telecommunications
::  empower our citizens to be digital-ready
::  allow citizens to access government services on line
:​:  ​position Mauritius as a safe and reliable destination capitalising on our bilingual & well-educated workforce, our modern technical, 
    ​infrastructure and good governance​

These measures have been implemented by the parastatal bodies and private companies which fall under the aegis of this Ministry, most notably the Mauritius Digital Promotion Agency (MDPA)​ and ​also Mauritius Telecom Ltd (MT), Mauritius Post Ltd (MP) and State Informatics Ltd (SIL).

Our country will continue to​ see more of such implem​entations as the momentum towards Vision 2030 of the Government speeds up.​​ ​​